27 December 2016
Via S. Calenda, 105 / D - Salerno

Personal Show JOHN M. BENNETT

Works 2014 - 2016
by Giovanni Bonanno
From January 12 to April 2, 2017

Opening: Thursday, January 12, 2017, 18:00
Ophen Virtual Art Gallery, Via S. Calenda, 105 / D - Salerno Tel / Fax 089 5648159
e-mail: bongiani@alice.it
Web Gallery: http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it
Open all day every day from 00.00 to 24.00

Inaugurating Thursday, January 12, 2017, at 18:00, the exhibition entitled "EXPERIMENTAL VISUAL POETRY" that Ophen Virtual Art Gallery Space of Salerno dedicated to the artist John M. Bennett with 71 poems poetry realized in a period of time ranging from 2014 to 2016. The exhibition is accompanied by a critical presentation of Giovanni Bonanno.
John M. Bennett (b. 1942, Chicago) is an experimental American visual poet in whose work writing, sound, phonetic poetry and performance relate in a kind of poetic "asemics" in which the concept of linear poetry as usual is evolved and subverted in the direction of an experimental vision, incorporating new moods and new research in the field of writing, sound and speech. John M. Bennett belongs to a particular research area in which freedom and multi-structured metaphor of meaning is condensed into passages of ambiguous meanings clearly giving it a presence in the form of writing, image or word. In 50 years of poetic activity, he has been able to generate a surprising variety of proposals able to relate effectively with the avant-gardes of the twentieth century, and, with interesting characters such as André Masson, Max Ernst, Henri Michaux, Paul Klee, to regenerate in apparently "asemic writings", a "universal" writing capable of suggesting new and different possible interpretations. His is a writing that I consider as "relational interference" with the precise intention of setting aside its full readability and to define itself as autonomous reading, as something lying deep in our unconscious minds. A creative writing, then, that blends text and graphic sign to become definitely also an outer limit of the image of figuration in graphic writing. Because in this case, it is only in the "open doing" dimension in which poetic expression can exist and manifest itself bypassing the common understanding of decoded linguistic reading; thus, only thus a poetic text can be interpreted in a personal way, freeing your mind and chasing several multiple meanings that are derived by each one's agreement and graphic symbolism. Direct descendant of Dadaism and experimental writing, there is presented in this exhibition the searching poetics of this important American author who welcomes 71 works of the last three years (2014-2016). The event will also be a fitting tribute to the non-sense of vision and of the objet trouvé spread from Dadaism which in 2016 also marked the centenary (1916-2016).

John M. Bennett [JMB] was born in Chicago, Illinois, October 12, 1942. An experimental poet, he began to publish his work in 1970. He has worked in a wide variety of genres, including visual poetry, graphics, sound , mail art, cinema, collaborating with writers and artists from around the world. He was also the editor of the international literary magazine Lost and Found Times, 1975-2005. Richard Kostelanetz wrote that "John M. Bennett is the fundamental American poet of my generation, because he has produced many interesting works in a complex variety of experimental modes". Through a small publishing house "Luna Bisonte Prods" founded in 1974, Bennett began publishing his own works and then also those of other poets. In the many years he has published thousands of works of limited edition writers who are part of the world of visual poetry, art and word art / poetry, including 30 years of the magazine "Lost & Found Times", collected in several important institutions, including Washington University in St. Louis, SUNY Buffalo, the Ohio State University and the Museum of Modern Art. Bennett himself is also the curator of the "Avant Writing Collection", "The William S. Burroughs Collection", and "The Cervantes Collection" at the Ohio State University Libraries.
He lives and works in Columbus, Ohio (USA). Home: http://www.johnmbennett.net/

Works 2014 - 2016
SPACE OPHEN VIRTUAL ART GALLERY Via S. Calenda, 105 / D - Salerno
January 12 to April 2 2017
Opening: Thursday, January 12, 18:00
Hours: daily 00.00 - 24.00e-mail: bongiani@alice.it
Web Gallery: http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it

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