I’ve conceived and developped a new photografic concept which lies on photografic and or video artistic happenings .
It relies on artistic collaborations like artistic happenings in which at least two artists get together (a photograph and a model) in a particular place to create a photografic happening named viral serial photography. This happening will target 2 kinds of public and will present 2 things : a public attending willingly or not the shooting and the Spectator looking at the final result which is the photography after it has been developed and occasionaly has been on post production.
A brief history of happening and what kind of question it asks :
The history of happening is intimately linked to fluxus movement, and this movement intends to suppress all boarders between art and reality. When mixing the public with the artistic performance, the fluxus artists want to finish with the idea of an art as a passive show and rather promote the idea of an art which is experimental, and close to real life . In the viral serial photography these two phenomenons are linked and practised together. Life is a source of inspiration but those expériences which are saved thanks the photografic medium will be reworked or not depending on our wishes . If the choice of the actors of the happening is to suppress the négatives of the event, it won’t be any problem to do so. Actually it can happen that the experience itself may be more exciting that the final result, or that after the happening , the meaning of all this when showed Under the spot light is not relevant any more, therefore the work will be suppressed like a fugitive moment, fleeting and totaly free without any goal that to exist the time of a performance .
Actually it functionns like a real artistic issue which is motivated by the urgent need of expressing oneself along with a stress created by emotion. The or the artists will have to express them selves in the more striking way what is haunting th em
It’s important for an artist to appropriate or reappropriate his own visual universe facing a multi modal world, spreading on a web system where the pictures bump and clash one against the others endlessly, to submitt a free creation totaly independant of a commercial process which gives to the picture a mercantile value. This is a militant approach coping with time and space. It expresses the strong will to make her own the pictural universe, creating her own world through the photographic medium and therefore facing all the possibilities, experimenting, digging, discovering, sharing and breaking the codes and monopoles leading to the urgent need to talk of viral photography as a virus which developps itself easily in the atmosphere. Therefore one can talk willingly of viral photography like something in the air spreading allover very quickly.
The viral photography is this need in the air lying on creative action and using the possible space in order to lay its eggs and to carry on spreading , proceeding, changing into multiple shapes according its host.
Usualy the viral photography sessions take place in one day. But it must be prepared before. Improvisation has an important place during the shooting to allow to express the feeling in the most free and liberated way.
Collaborations may be ephemeral or last during longer periods. The artists involved in this process don’t have to know each others before, they only share the will of working together in an artistic way, to present 2 worlds knocking over in order to make a new universe coming out a kind of avatar or creative synthèses
Why viral?
For it’s a kind of coming out for the or the artists who create the necessary space in order to make the projects exist. A kind of flash on his or their artistic journey in a short time, the shooting does’nt last more than a day.
Why serial
Serial because from this viral work will emerge series of pictures lying on a particular theme.
But this work is a non limited partnership one therefore as many different series as different possible partnerships, the number is almost unrestricted.
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