Afterall, “SNAPSHOT” at Serra of Pignatelli Museum, until 3rd March.
06 February 2013
Afterall won Curator Prize 2012 (Premio Celeste).

Since February 16, at Serra of Pignatelli Museum will exhibit the works carried out in the photography workshop "Snapshot", organized by the museum, held by artists Afterall.
"Snapshot" is not a course on photographic techniques but a path to a better understanding of "wrong" images, created by the use of a camera. In summary: an instrument with which to "forget memory". It's a workshop inn which everyone works together, where teaching is interwoven with aesthetics, where man can be reborn.

The photographic instrument used was the Polaroid. In the era of digital photography, evermore precise images are possibile which have interrupted the physical perception of the image itself. The workshop attempted to focus on the geography of the imperfect image, able to build a palpable, visual trace of an object which is becoming everymore difficult for us to identify.

Comments 1

Francesco Radici
11 years ago
molto interessante, spero che ci sarà anche un reportage della giornata per chi non potrà essere a Napoli.
La Polaroid è uno strumento eccezionale di espressione. Complimenti

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