capitalism Artist
24 August 2013
From "The Republic":
Lipovetsky, "Now we are all consumers aesthetic"
Gilles Lipovetsky, philosopher, sociologist and writer at the University of Grenoble published, freshly released his latest book (Galimard) entitled "The esthétisation du Monde" in which he analyzes rationally, practically, the topics discussed here which I copy some excerpt of 'interview:
Question: In the world of consumption, however, the aesthetic is at the service of profit. Is not in contradiction with a selfless vision of art?
R.: "We, in fact, we are still susceptible to a size selfless, pure and romantic art. Artist In capitalism, the opposite is true. Economics and aesthetics give rise to a trans-aesthetics at the center , rather than the pursuit of beauty, the sensation-seeking acts. Capitalism artist is interested in certain forms, but mostly trying to produce emotions. Indifferent to the sublime, does not aim at truth of art works and even less immortal and eternal dreams . His appearance in a continuous transformation (...) "
Question: Do you think that young people are equipped to navigate the new forest culture of capitalism artist?
A: "Today the screw aesthetics occupies a considerable space in everyone's life. To avoid aesthetic rules are only those dictated by the market, we must help young people to broaden their horizons of experience. We should not tell them what they need to love - because it tastes not decree - but we have to help them discover the variety of cultural, giving them the tools to navigate. The school must invent a new art education. E 'a major challenge because life has become an aesthetic ideal diffused. "
However invite you to read the full article which is not neither cynical nor materialistic, simply analyzing a changing world that now in disarray, he needs to know how to steer a compass new in the history of this moment.
full article at:

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