We make the right distinctions...
17 May 2013
The artists confuse what is "structural" to the profession with the "artistic value" two different things but that can be combined and connected without being incompatible. Paradoxically would like to be recognized and to have professional dignity without being within a system of institutional arrangements and yes that is incompatible! Being part of legal and institutional rules does not invalidate a work of art or diminish or affect the conceptual, philosophical, ideological, poetic, aesthetic, research and anything else that might invalidate the merits and value.
Many have, say euphemistically "hoisted," arguing the futility of the petition defending the incompatibility of artistic figure in a systematic regulatory system claiming the "freedom" of expression that, of course, it remains ethically and responsibly the responsibility of the artist . I should note that the "freedom" current (fraintesa!) is not freedom is total anarchy where in addition to the lack of regulations, also to protect the profession, but art itself, as we see a drop to 360 ° also research same time and claimed the image of Italian art in the world.
If freedom is to let it do anything at all then you stop claiming free spaces or complain about the selection criteria implemented in assignments institutional spaces (few) still remained in place since the selectors, rightly claim, the same freedom to choose and discard according to their opinions, interests, associations and cliques. There is no claim of rights without reciprocity.
The petition wants to be, and I repeat, a simple pragmatic tool, to order certain priority in favor of the artists. The problems are many and the system is complex, but can not solve everything with a magic wand, you want to start with some basic points and urgent to open other tables and future debates. It always starts from a point, the rest should follow if there is the will and the collaboration of other figures, skills and institutions.

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