11 May 2013
Taken from the article "What We Talk About When We Talk About Art":
"(...) Nicola Maggi: Professor Andina, despite its growing success in contemporary art in Italy, still puts in crisis most of the spectators who often has difficulty even to consider certain forms of art expression. Where does this cultural barrier that seem to stand between the public and the work?
(...) The other is the lack of preparation of the institutions of our country, and Italians in general, to deal seriously with culture. The art - like any other language, including the language of science - it needs to study, taste education, education for conceptual understanding. If you think that it is enough to visit a museum on a Sunday afternoon, to understand the art of Titian or Andy Warhol, you are mistaken. If anything, the point is that even those who do not care or have never studied art believed to include Titian at first glance, but after seeing Warhol's Empire, it is generally felt clear the feeling of frustration. In fact, the "tourist on Sunday," includes a little of both. "(...)

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