We restored the networking group
30 October 2013
We restored the networking group "Being Artists Today " on Linkedin
http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=4049641&trk=anet_ug_hm&goback =% 2Egmr_4049641
which is a bit ' the synthesis and continuity of workshops organized exfabbricadellebambole now for about 4 years.
The workshop is dedicated to the artists who profess for many years but who are not up to date on market regulations and young people waiting hidden to enter and are interested in knowing how it can be better and in a practical way on how to promote it .
The group has been reset and reformulated with precise aims and objectives : work = projects , suggestions, feasible and potentially feasible.
The first project is to organize a network interchange between spaces , galleries, and professionals who wish to broaden , wineskin to their own territory , their promotion and that of the artists used by them .
The second project is to create the workshop in a virtual and interactive , so usre the full potential of electronic means , reducing travel costs , eliminate distances , quick access to all relevant information, raise questions, queries , that can be answered possibly in a more updated and deepened.
The third project wants to start a container with a program of protection for both the artist that the collector . A workshop for those interested to come closer to the world of investing in " knowingly " and not get lost in a thousand tempting proposals , to know how laws, plan their investment budget according to their possibilities , trends , tastes , etc. . and , not unimportant, if you know the potential company or freelancer , the tax exemptions and investment advice . Affine and connected the program "Adopt an artist " in order to better knowledge about the market / quotations of the artists in question in the interest of the collector and a greater knowledge of the methods, techniques , artistic processes and much more.
About interested in participating actively in these programs , you can apply for participation in the group . Linkedin in fact , of all the social network is the most interesting and offers more opportunities to interact in a professional manner so simple and straightforward, compared to others in which , without detracting from the intent and purpose are more than "showcase" , entertainment , and recreational facilities.

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