Ottologica (show on and toy)

Ottologica (show on and toy)

31 October 2013
You select the works for the collective until 12 Nov.!
We restored the networking group

We restored the networking group

30 October 2013
We restored the networking group "Being Artists Today " on Linkedin =% 2Egmr_4049641 which is a bit ' the synthesis and continuity of workshops organized exfabbricadellebambole now for about 4 years. The workshop is dedicated to...Read all
Workshop dedicated to the artists

Workshop dedicated to the artists

12 September 2013
Just a few more days to register for the workshop: THE ARTIST TODAY: A NEW PROFESSIONALISM '.   The aim of the seminar: Practical advice to emerging artists and not. Sunday, September 22 - from h. 10 to 19 Rapporteur: Nicola Maggi, journalist and historian specializing in the art market, economy ...Read all
Discussion Group

Discussion Group

24 August 2013
we are also in Linkedin with the group "to be an artist today"
capitalism Artist

capitalism Artist

24 August 2013
From "The Republic": Lipovetsky, "Now we are all consumers aesthetic" Gilles Lipovetsky, philosopher, sociologist and writer at the University of Grenoble published, freshly released his latest book (Galimard) entitled "The esthétisation du Monde" in which he analyzes rationally, practically, the ...Read all


24 August 2013
The aim of the seminar: Practical advice to emerging artists and not. Sunday, September 22 - from h. 10 to 19 Rapporteur: Nicola Maggi, journalist and historian specializing in the art market, economy and culture of collecting, founder of the blog Collection at Tiffany's.   - The birth of modern ...Read all


15 July 2013
The logic of collective Eight - anagram of toy - will present artists who, like technical and creative self-expression, use or reuse, the toy so instrumental and poetic, even as a moment of reflection just below the festive season in which the advertising bombards adults and children, purchases and consumerism....Read all
new Site

new Site

18 June 2013 exfabbricadellebambole opens the possibility of renting your own location as a set for movies, dramas, television, commercials also offering creations of acronyms and animation art. Everything will continue to promote and invest in art but also emerging artists creating...Read all
Project Format Television and space for operators

Project Format Television and space for operators

30 May 2013
From June through September exfabbricadellebambole suspending the exhibition schedule also provides space for film or photo shoot. In addition, the concept of promoting art and artists, we are launching a project for a television format very dynamic and interactive with all multimedia languages ​​(internet,...Read all

"Because when you dream alone is only a dream - said in a statement maximum - but when you dream together is reality begins."

23 May 2013
Hello Rosy, Mario Borghezio, MEP of the League and, improbably, a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties has been suspended or at least all'autosospensione induced by the group 'Europe of freedom and democracy "in the exponent part of the Northern League. The group of skeptics, conservatives...Read all
Exfabbricadellebambole: a nursery for artists

Exfabbricadellebambole: a nursery for artists

21 May 2013
"The new reality of the art world sees emergence the following scenario: there is an artist who enters the history of art without first having had one or more steps in the history of the art market." The reality photographed by Mariolina Bassetti and Renato Pennisi in their article on the Art Market...Read all
Andrea Aste and collaboration with Arturo Brachetti

Andrea Aste and collaboration with Arturo Brachetti

20 May 2013
A preview for you Facebook friends the poster of "Allegro, a bit 'too', with the beautiful designs of Andrea Aste. What do you say, I have spent a bit 'of curiosity? We look forward to the 28th, 29th and 30th of May at the Auditorium RAI in Turin! (Rai5 on June 1st) This is the last work of our artist...Read all
Petition for artists: you can change!

Petition for artists: you can change!

20 May 2013
Hello Rosy, When we launched the petition to express our solidarity with the new Minister of Integration Cecile Kyenge and ask for disciplinary action against dell'europarlamentare Mario Borghezio, for his racist statements, did not expect to be able to collect over 130 thousand signatures and to open...Read all
We make the right distinctions...

We make the right distinctions...

17 May 2013
The artists confuse what is "structural" to the profession with the "artistic value" two different things but that can be combined and connected without being incompatible. Paradoxically would like to be recognized and to have professional dignity without being within a system of institutional arrangements...Read all
Review by Gustavo Bonora artistic director of exfabbricadellebambole

Review by Gustavo Bonora artistic director of exfabbricadellebambole

15 May 2013
Palazzo Reale in Milan: Thursday, February 16 to May 20, 2012, the exhibition Titian and the birth of the modern landscape, sponsored by the City of Milan - Culture, Fashion, Design and the Royal Palace, in collaboration with Civita and GAmm Giunti, who has published the catalog. (click: LINK article...Read all
Review by Gustavo Bonora artistic director of exfabbricadellebambole

Review by Gustavo Bonora artistic director of exfabbricadellebambole

15 May 2013
Pablo Picasso at the Palazzo Reale in Milan: exhibition from 20 September 2012 with masterpieces of art from the National Picasso Museum in Paris (Musée National Picasso Paris LINK). More than 200 works by Picasso for a great, peaceful invasion of contemporary art with the most anticipated expo in Milan ...Read all
Not only spot ...

Not only spot ...

15 May 2013
The Gloria Cinema in Milan is a particular movie. He decided to cut out commercials in its halls and insert video information of contemporary artists selected by assuming that, rather than padding the people waiting for the beginning of the film with commercial is better to inform presenting art and...Read all
the economic

the economic

15 May 2013
For half a century in the field of art there is an extraordinary fact, the rookie artist no longer has access to the art market, between him and the world of art you configure a fault promoted and managed by a monopoly operators who do not lies more in the traditional framework consisting of these three...Read all
Collecting painting: an introduction

Collecting painting: an introduction

13 May 2013
Still on the subject of information, I withdraw from the Blog "Collection at Tiffany's" not only for the friendship toward Nicola Maggi but for the fact that copes with extreme competence arguments, even prickly, that dot the Italian art system, informing carefully and dismantling many urban myths or...Read all

The "right below"

11 May 2013
The "right below" is the right of the author of works of figurative art and manuscripts to receive a percentage of the price of each sale of the work subsequent to the first transfer by the author. This right found his first recognition in France by a law of 20 May 1920 and is known as droit de suite....Read all

"What We Talk About When We Talk About Art":

11 May 2013
Taken from the article "What We Talk About When We Talk About Art": "(...) Nicola Maggi: Professor Andina, despite its growing success in contemporary art in Italy, still puts in crisis most of the spectators who often has difficulty even to consider certain forms of art expression. Where does this...Read all
We do not need some kind of....

We do not need some kind of....

11 May 2013
"We do not need some kind of big things, or who knows what great men. We just need more honest people." We share this statement of Benedetto Croce that never before have there could be. The art at this time, although considered "secondary" compared to the current urgencies and priorities, it could be...Read all
Investing in art takes a lot of money?

Investing in art takes a lot of money?

10 May 2013
Investing in art takes a lot of money? No. And this is the proof: The disappearance of Herb Vogel: farewell to the postman Collector. At a time when contemporary art is often reduced to an auction record or a simple batch, in which the art market opens to finance and seems to be the place of the banquet...Read all
Not everyone knows that ... Pollock defeated Communism

Not everyone knows that ... Pollock defeated Communism

10 May 2013
They wanted to create an art that is "plastic, mysterious and sublime," a pictorial language "private" as they celebrate the inner state, escaped from the element and the public policy and that he found in his painting medium par excellence. Were used, unbeknownst to them, by U.S. intelligence as a crowbar...Read all
Petition as a tool

Petition as a tool

10 May 2013
The petition launched by exfabbricadellebambole as expected has, on the one hand, is facing several obstacles just by one of those artists who, in various forums, social networks and blogs complaining about the indifference of the state and institutions, to the category and to the ' art and, on the other...Read all