Celeste Lab on the road!
14 June 2011
Working on Celeste Lab.
Five months of brainstorming to create a Brooklyn week during Celeste Prize final exhibition in November.

Upload your comments, texts, images, and sounds HERE, they will be used during Celeste Lab in Brooklyn, and displayed in a unique on-line, on-air, on-site event.

This is an open source, exchange platform. An area for anyone to publish textual, visual and sound bites which will be used in a 4 days / 24 hour Celeste Lab production.

Over the coming months, as artist and curator, I will stimulate discussion around a variety of themes which visitors will voluntarily choose to present in this blog.

The public airing of content at The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn – in form of classical radio broadcasting plus internet streaming – will be a mix of live interactions as well as recordings in a free-style production of different media (sound, video, performance, net, radio, and conversations).

Among the partners: AIR Art International Radio (New York City), Ælia Media by Pablo Helguera (Bologna - Italy), Culture Lab (Newcastle - Great Britain), and others.
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Comments 11

Roberto Paci Dalò
12 years ago
everything will be streamed from www.artonair.org
Jonathan  Gillie
12 years ago
Great! what is the web address if someone wants to view Invisible Dog events Roberto?
Roberto Paci Dalò
13 years ago
@jonathan. yes, we'll stream from/to invisible dog
Jonathan  Gillie
13 years ago
Hi Roberto, will you be streaming any events from the Invisible Dog?
Roberto Paci Dalò
13 years ago
dear all, contributions for celeste lab in brooklyn? we're collecting materials and ideas. now it's your time to show up!
reminding you that you can contribute with sound, images, video, and live streaming from your locations. we're setting up a network around the world and you must be in!
Roberto Paci Dalò
13 years ago
Pietro Di Girolamo
13 years ago
Bella idea. Sarà felice di condividere alcuni miei lavori. A presto
Roberto Paci Dalò
13 years ago
Here is the location where the November project will occur. The Invisible Dog is one of the best art spaces in New York City. http://theinvisibledog.org
Between November 10-13 we intend to fill the space with images and sound coming live from the several locations of the network we're setting up.
ferdinando sorbo
13 years ago
molto interessante.
Roberto Paci Dalò
13 years ago
Ecco i link ai siti di Culture Lab Newcastle http://culturelab.ncl.ac.uk/home e AElia Media Bologna http://aeliamedia.org.
Potete dare un'occhiata a quello che stanno facendo e iniziare a pensare a possibili contributi per il progetto a New York nel novembre 2011.
Stiamo raccogliendo idee e materiali.
Speak now!

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