The Section of Emotions
10 March 2013
"The Section of Emotions" is the title of the exhibition of the artists Leonardo Basile (Bari), Cesare Cassone (Castellaneta) and Fabiana Luceri (Galatina), which will be held at the Museum "Peter Cavoti" City of Galatina (LE) from 6 to 20 April 2013

Conceived and curated by Fabiana Luceri, in collaboration with the Municipality of Galatina and with the support of the Region of Puglia and the Museum P. Cavoti 's exhibition will open on Saturday, April 6 at 18.30 critically d' Art Professor Rosamaria Dell'Erba

The exhibition presents a significant artistic production of the three authors, engaged for some time in a continuous and interesting research on communicative and evocative power of color and material. It is said that in the abstract painting and informal each color corresponds to a feeling, to an emotional state .... in the paintings of Basile, Bed and Luceri, all the "weight" of feelings and emotions, are very well supported and declared, no "brake" inhibitor, and with all of their natural instinct.

Leonardo Basile was born in Palese (Bari) Painter in 1961, he attended the Art School and the Institute d 'Art, work in the abstract and informal. He has held solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group exhibitions nationally and internationally. He received several awards and recognitions. She lives and works in Bari Holy Spirit, where he of 'art his game of life.
"Artist with a vivid imagination, Leonardo Basile translates the vibrations of their emotionality in densely rhythmic compositions in the range of graphic signs and colors, designed in a precise geometric layout, where the formal warning to reality, however, is almost completely annihilated, in favor of a free expression of inner perception. A painting, his, full of spiritual motivations and intuitions, which are arranged according to a logic of its own, original, in the fabric of the play. " (Vito Cracas)

Pugliese, Castellaneta, Cesare Cassone lives and works in Bari self-taught painter, as he likes to be called, paints since 1966, seeking, in the first stages of painting, the 'balance between light and colors of nature Pugliese continued since 1973, also an officer of' Carabinieri, to cultivate his innate passion for painting. At the end of his career nell'Arma with the rank of General in August 2005, is dedicated entirely to painting by interpreting, in a new light, her past experiences of observation of external reality tending essentially to highlight the wonderful chromaticity. He has held numerous solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions and international modern art contemporary art in Italy and abroad. Of its activity has largely affected the daily newspapers and specialized. He has won many awards including the international award "Van Dyck", "Valentine" and "Moe," the prize "Ode to Nature" and the special prize of the "Courier of art."

Fabiana Luceri (Galatina 1976) after completing high school he enrolled in the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage of the 'University of Salento. The interest in the art 'has always pervaded and, in particular, painting occupies an important place in his life. He always painted and in recent years has participated in numerous exhibitions in Italy, getting positive feedback from critics and audiences. From the words of 'important master of the' Italian contemporary art, Xante Battaglia, we read: "Fabiana Luceri in his paintings, stands as intellectual" against ", in distorted perceptions and 'antagonist to the historic" immaculate perception ": minimal, objective and rational optical-psychological ... His paintings deny perception, reinvented to give freedom to the matter informally and some reference figures. Nell 'feminine perception and more proactive with semantic values.'s Untitled "is released" as an explosion of colors and shapes. "

Reported by Leonardo Basile

"The Section of Emotions"
Museum "Peter Cavoti" Palace of Culture
Piazza Alighieri, 51
73013 - Galatina (Le)
tel. 0836-561568
from Wednesday to Sunday 09.30 - 13.00 / Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 16:30 to 20:00

For more information: Fabiana Luceri (curator)

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