Leonardo Basile - Untitled [256°]
05 August 2020

From 5 to 20 August 2020, the Art and Culture Center 'L. da Vinci 'of Bari - Santo Spirito exhibits the latest mixed technique composition by the master Leonardo Basile entitled "Untitled [256 °]" and with dimensions of 102 X 102 cm.

"Arte in vetrina" is the exhibition initiative 'set up' by the 'Leonardo da Vinci Art Center' of Bari Santo Spirito at the end of the lockdown (18 May 2020), combining the anti-covid 19 directives (justified) and the human need for artistic use: A painting by a local artist is displayed in the shop window for fifteen days and is allowed to see it (24 h) from the outside, or from the street (Via Verdi in S.Spirito), and to complete, if necessary, knowledge of the author and his poetics through the internet medium.

"Leonardo Basile - writes Domenico Fumarola, essayist journalist and literary and artistic critic - makes art a game of life. The artist has always had an authentic inner search by looking within himself and finding in the use of the most disparate techniques a aesthetic commitment. Spontaneously innovative, Basile focuses on a pictorial technique as varied as possible, with dripping, four-color process, assembly of materials, digital technologies, to form a musical harmony that can be appreciated not only by the eyes, but by all the senses. finale creates a perfect synthesis daughter of the artist's aesthetic research. As Freud spoke of "rose of feelings" to describe the infinite facets of the human soul, Basile finds in the assembly of different techniques and materials the synthesis for his own aesthetic, founded on the perceptual changes of feeling. [...] "

Leonardo Basile - Untitled [256 °]
From 5 to 20 August 2020

Showcase L. Da Vinci Art and Culture Center
Santo Spirito, Via G. Verdi 7, 70127 (BA)

Opening hours
Every day, 24/24 h

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