
Verbalizing that which is predominantly a somatosensory experience has become the default position within the visual arts. Ultimately, visual art is just that – a visual experience – rich in its ability to side step the cerebral bias of the every-day. An absence of words has–in recent history–been demoted to nothing more than an aspiration. To quash the barrage of ‘analytical self-gratification’, and to re-gain the high ground, visual art needs to be recognised as something more than simply a vehicle for intellectual jousting. Uncluttered by the interference of ‘linguistic noise’, the visual arts can fulfil a very contemporary and urgent need – that of stilling the mind.

Born in 1956 and based in the UK, Richard Devereux studied at Portsmouth College of Art from 1974-77. He has shown extensively since 1979, examples of his work are featured in numerous private, national and international collections including: Chelsea School of Art, London; Sackner Archive, USA; The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art; Tate Gallery, London; Tsukuba Dojo, Japan; Van Abbemuseum, Holland; Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada and Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK.