Hold My Own

Hold My Own

My paintings examine motive and identity within the American media apparatus.
By forfeiting my own image, my portraits explore the dynamics between spectacle and spectator, the powerful and the powerless, the believer and non-believer. The paintings are both collective and private fantasies that are highly critical of our social complacency. Each composition gives the appearance that nothing is out of place. Like a collage these absurd realms easily accommodate one another into a single picture plane.

Out of my appropriation of American consumerism and Christian mythology I explore the idea of redemption as it relates to both personal and societal moral crises. Using beauty as a lure, I rework the traditional pictorial language of good and evil to a different end.

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Comments 2

luca  ferrise
11 years ago
luca ferrise Artist
mi piace
Lou Reade
13 years ago
Lou Reade Artist
This painting reminds me of a time i visited New York, and a guy in Harlem started to preach a little to me and my friends - he then proceeded to show us a picture of Michael Jordan.

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