Dear York, this bug in my bed is new work.

Dear York, this bug in my bed is new work.

Digital Graphics, Illustration, Computer graphics, 210x148cm
Dear York, This Bug In My Bed Is New Work. As we all have our occasional "huh's", so did Koen Taselaar and Petra Valdimarsdóttir have it with their work. The first time they met during a cold beer, they discovered they both had produced a bug book with out ever knowing of each other’s existence. They thought “how great would it be” to make a collaborative bug book together. And so they did.. in the summer of 2010 during the big bed bug plague in New York Cty. Koen’s bugs are hand drawn and Petra’s bugs are all made on the computer, if you tilt your head to the side you're able to read the computerized bugs, they are the words in the title. The letter type is hand made and one of a kind.

We've produced 250 copies of the book, they're now available for purchase. Just send an email my way and before you know it you'll have it in your very own hands.
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