Turned Out II
In this work, painting's conventional support-the canvas, the wall- becomes'paint', and take centre-stage. Liberated from their physiclally confining roles,they replace paint's role as the active agent, and form the essence of the painting. Also pertinent in this work is my interest with the spatial relations in which the paintings are presented, through activating the space the work is being presented and enlisting them as one of the 'materials'of painting.
Comments 15
How come a work which concentrates on means rather than purpose win a prestigious prize like this?
My quarrel is not with the artist, so Jane , please don't take this personally.
This prize should be about painting as a medium which will lead somewhere deep in the human soul, or maybe life's itself, and not PAINTING ... stop. Pollock didn't splash color for the fun of it.
I think the jury just got all cerebral and used verbal language instead of pure thought.
The gate which the eye and mind helps the soul to pass has never been breached . And it's a real shame as other pretenders got pretty close, some even passed it.
'Turned out II' is my sheer enagement with the painting materials. It questioned the used of the canvas, the process of making a painting and the interaction with the surrounding where the painting being presented. The paining manifested on its own without any reference of artist's work.
Is so painful for being misunderstood...
Your works seems very interesting, serious and very beautiful. But this piece Turned out II is so reminiscent of the work of Eva Hesse that I find it shocking. As an artist I would not show something so close to the work of another artist.
My works concern about painting but not scuplture..
Believe or not,i am not aware of Eve Hesse works till you.I google about her works and my heart sink...
When we play with materials,they tends to reacting certain ways and we embrace..
I am honestly doing what i am doing so please give me a break will you :-))
are you- the artist not aware of it?
worse still: is the jury not able to recognize this? Do they lack such basic knowledge of a major work of art of the 20th century?
sorry, I am really provoked by this work having been selected !
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