Suicide Alley nr III

Suicide Alley nr III

Analogue Photography, Portrait, Analogue, 67x100cm
Suicide Alley was the passage to the home of the most notorious and feared slave trader in East Africa. Those who were captured had to be taken in front of him, who decided their fate, either death or the slave market.
All the people kidnapped knew that if they were going to become slaves, they would be sent away from their families.
So many of them preferred to commit suicide instead of living such a hell.

Has been liked by 8

Comments 3

Teresa Palombini
13 years ago
Complimenti! L'immagine che hai scelto per rappresntare il testo così drammatico, amplifica il dramma e lo rende più straziante.
Sofia Leone
13 years ago
Sofia Leone Artist
Complimenti, molto bella e toccante tutto il contesto che ci sta attorno!
Rossella Santoro
13 years ago
Bellissima :)

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