Quì ho imparato a volare

Quì ho imparato a volare

Etching on copper plate ((reflection)
It is said that the seagulls do not fly during the storm ... but this has Imara seagull to fly right here ... in the storm.

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Comments 6

GAMeC CentroArteModerna di Pisa
11 years ago
GAMeC CentroArteModerna di Pisa Curator, Gallery, Organizer
Gianfranco Castelli
13 years ago
Bel lavoro !Complimenti!
Giancarlo Caporali
13 years ago
Grande lavoro!
Luana Raia
13 years ago
Luana Raia Artist
Grazie mille!
Marco Scapin
13 years ago
Marco Scapin Artist
Bello e bel messaggio!
13 years ago
Cat Photographer
Beau travail !

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