Installation, Symbol / Letter, 300x150cm
Who I am. "Everything comes from a kind of fantasy of " hypertrophy "of the ego, aware that there is a thread common to all individuals. The product, built on facebook, is an answer to the question (submitted as an affirmation ) "Who am I," that probably the call is answered by expressing a portion of its available memory of himself, attributing it to an unknown person (me), which does not even have the picture. cose the speaker to express a part ideal image of their otherwise hidden. In the case of an ideal image appearance, the speaker feels gratified to be able to award "interactive game" to another quality that would like to have, be it through the other that wants to be. In second case takes advantage of the "interactive game"to express a hidden aspect of himself, because that becomes expressible attributed to another, that is, to me. The interaction is however gratifying, a kind of psychodrama useful subjects. The text flow in the eyes the viewer as a corresponding paper file that accumulates as the responses increases.
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