Line of flight

Line of flight

Sculpture, Abstract geometrical, Glass, 50x160x5cm
The act of mapping is a powerful tool for constructing new realities out of old facts, to visualize alternative worlds and to enable interrelationships between previously unrelated layers of information. Maps are evolving structures, rhizomatic in nature, able to unfold identities, to give room to exploration and procedures of relating.
Cognitive and mental mapping allows for new images of space, time and relationships to emerge and to illuminate a path through the memory structures of our minds. It is precisely this ‘potential to reveal’ that I am interested in, this tension between reality and representation that fascinates me. Engaging with the landscape - may it be mental or physical - and changing perceptions by expanding the field to include differing viewpoints enables me to uncover previously unseen or unimagined realities and foster connections between fields.

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