Digital Photography, Sacred / Mythological, Computer graphics, 180x180x5cm
ICARUS - 2009, digital photo graphic paint
lambda print on diasec plexiglass Round 180 cm diameter, ed.3
this work makes part with the Ganymedes of the Diptych On the Flight, and it Represents The Flight in fall.
the work is inspired by the greek myth of the falling of Icarus ,the action tells his fall for having approached too in the Sun.
this work is entirely born from photographic studies on the subject, after realized by computer graphic in digital paint and printed by lambda print on edition of 3. Any retouch after print.

Has been liked by 6

Comments 3

14 years ago
Per problemi familiari posso rispondere solo ora.
Ringrazio tutti quelli che mi hanno votato e sostenuto il mio lavoro.
Vi mando un grande abbraccio

For family problems I can replay only now.
Thanks to every body who voted me and appreciated my work.

big hug for every one

werter dallaglio
14 years ago
Grande effetto
Helga Kalversberg
14 years ago
stupendo !

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