150 years: somebody spent all their energies to build Italy, and then?
They fought and died to unite Italy: the land and the idea.
They set the first stones so that it could be their descendants' task to build the rest.
What have we been able to build so far?
Explicit and/or disguised dictatorships. Institutionalized mafia. Imposed and blindly accepted ignorance. Front-page miscellaneous violence that arouses indignation, but is forgotten as soon as one reads the second page. The law of theft and imposition from the country's highest authorities to the grass roots and back.
Constructive and non-standardized initiatives? Very few, isolated and thwarted.
Reality shows, videogames and TV fictions: this is what really matters…..
If they could, what would the people who have lost their lives for Italy in the last 150 years say?
The Italians are assholes! ("Itaglioni")

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