Lo sguardo negato #03#

Lo sguardo negato #03#

This work is part of my research has led to the series "Gli intrusi". A job on the looks denied. On the margins of contemporary life. Pain abandoned to their fate, disturbances of the soul community happy to exist in treating hyper surface of life. These are the looks that we avoid cross because they force us to watch our despair ...

Has been liked by 21

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Comments 24

Giancarlo Caporali
13 years ago
Molto profondo!!
Flavio Bragaloni
13 years ago
Gabriele mi piace molto questa foto.
14 years ago
ANA SEKACH Artist, Painter
molto sentimentale... Complimenti, hai fatto bella ricerca! buona fortuna!
14 years ago
Marcheffe Artist
molto interessante la tua poetica
Michael Pratt
14 years ago
Michael Pratt Artist
enigmatic and beautiful
Jo Ravizzotti
14 years ago
Jo Ravizzotti Artist
Una rappresentazione di una schietta e dolorosa realtà...per provare ad uscirne.
Alfonso Siracusa
14 years ago
Bravo, ottima opera Gabriele!!
Cristina Bazolli
14 years ago
Dionisis Christofilogiannis
14 years ago
good luck
patrizia ricca
14 years ago
complimenti,molto significatica

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