The illustration represents the pagan divinity of Bacchus, executed with dry pastels on rough and porous cardboard. The colour palette is composed of orange, yellow, green, purple, red and brown. I wanted to use warm colors to give Greater meaning to the mythological subject.
In my interpretation, i imagined the face of the god who is hiding, who hides among luxuriant vine branches, surrounded by abundant bunches of grapes. Bacchus looks at the spectator straight in the eyes, in a determined and mocking way, as if he wanted to come out of surprise among the vegetation that surrounds him.
The sensuality of the image is characterized by the expression of the lips, red and fleshy, whith the thick beard that is intertwined between the vine. His hipnotic gaze is highlighted by the blue of his eyes: in fact no one could ecsape the charm of the tempation of the god of intoxication.

For the Greeks Dionysius or Bacchus, it is one of the great deities of thr Olympus. He was born of Zeus and Semele, Cadmus's daughter. It was said that this, by his will or by fraudulent advice from Era, had asked Zeus to appear to her in all its splendor, but remains incinerated by the vision of Zeus' lightning. Dionysius, who was still in the womb, was saved from the stake thanks to his father, who sewed it into his thigh, from which he was born after a second divine gestation.
Dionysius was considered the inventor of the vine, the apple tree, the wine, the beer, he was also attributed to the growth and renewal of the life of flowers and trees. The wine he gave to me was for theGreeks, the drink that made people forget their worries, which, in sacrifice, was an instrument between men and gods.
His epiphanies were characterized by polymorphism: he was a bull, lion, snake, kid, barbarian or greek, young and old, femminine in dress and flowing hair. Bacchus was invoked in the rites to renew the cycle of plant life return to flow the wine, making himself personally present among men.

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