Ai confini del buio

Ai confini del buio

Painting, Fantasy / Visionary, Acrylic, 120x100x4.5cm

Has been liked by 8

Comments 2

Daniela Pirro
14 years ago
Daniela Pirro Curator
Frida, Dada, Max Ernst, Duchamp, Man Ray, a tratti Tamara de Lempicka, Boccioni anche...
vi ho trovato larghe ispirazioni a questi grandi dell'arte, in una tua reinterpretazione potente, struggente, coinvolta e che coinvolge. Magnific quest'opera
Experience of life with  Emily Eunjue Hayes
14 years ago
There are lot of peace disturbing things in life. See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. But we see them all. We see but had to learned how to deal with all this peace disturbing news in this world was not easy. Knowning how to face, and to deal with life some time can bring confussion but through our confussion, we will find the way and learn to trust in life as it come. Rather than worry about them.

Your art speaks and I had to speak what comes in my spirit and I am happy you've shared.

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