La Natura

La Natura

Sculpture, Nature, 2x07x02cm
The leaves are the natural element that, in my opinion, are closer to the artisan philosophy, they are always different from the other despite they're picked from the same plant, in artisanal work, done really by hand, it depends on the inspiration and personal taste to know how to transform them. I remind of a nice phrase by "Pablo Picasso" that says: There are artists who paint the sun like a yellow stain, but there are others that, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow stain into the Sun. In the leaves we start from the natural element, the fresh leaf that is worked as soon as possible to keep the natural characteristics intact, the procedure is complex and goes far beyond the traditional goldsmith's techniques, using innovative materials sometimes changed by others craft contexts. This is why I feel that it is not a simple copy of the natural element, but rather a sort of transposition into noble materials such as silver and gold. Stefano Belfiore

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