A small amount of color, heavy brush strokes, to the point of scarring the paper and let the color penetrate into the texture. Paper becomes color, the color turns into paper.

Thin layers of color open up to unexpected perspectives and depths. Obstinate monochromes, minimal contrast. Fluid gesture repeated with a primitive rhythm. The smell of wet grounds and mantra-like sounds.

Light layers of color that do not achieve any thickening, on the contrary, they allow the dynamics within the piece in endless movements.

Thin color textures, bare and immaterial, that, while drying, vaporizes leaving only a wretched memory of it.

A sense of color that sediments, without prevalence. Not the only sign of the creative gesture, violent and essential to the sensorial finishing that accompanies the spectator toward the discovery of new points of reference in the timeless depth of a sheet of paper

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