Transition ( installazione allo spazio 6 di Farm Cultural Park_Favara _Ag)

Transition ( installazione allo spazio 6 di Farm Cultural Park_Favara _Ag)

The project begins with the polyptych "Ad un passo da me stesso (Kintsugi and others)". The other pictures, a set of six b&w prints, as the other ones, try to investigate the liminal space that could be traced between the inside and the outside.
The scenery also offers a site specific installation that outlines the atmosphere of the places, called "Your place as your skin".
In the last artwork, the wall is assimilated to human skin. This could led a viewer to see the urban landscape as a biological system that permit the act of breathing, which is itself of vital exchange.
A common note, present in most artworks, is drawing, as a planar sign as well as a sign that becomes defined in the three dimensions. The artworks want to find the - apparently intimate - cave in the scenery, which lead the artist to a transformation in progress, where the watching eye could trace their silent resistance (and existence).

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