Happy Easter!
On Easter Day
It falls, wrath
the rain from the leaden sky
it makes the landscape
polished again
low clouds recline
covering the high peaks
how to hide them
from prying eyes
the vociferate mixed
to acute voices of children
and the quiet silence
of a church that has remained unchanged over time
a chocolate egg to remember
Easter and the sound of bells
that expands like an echo in the valley
to call faithful
© Maristella Angeli 2018 poetry and image
(From the collection "The world upside down", Rupe Mutevole Edizioni)
Happy Easter!
Comments 14
Un abbraccio.
Serena Pasqua!
Joyeuses Pâques!
Ti auguro una Pasqua Bellissima!
Un abbraccio.
Buona Pasqua!
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