while recently daydreaming

while recently daydreaming

The approaching Internet-of-All-Things, according to Yuval Noah Harari, has resulted in a new Social Network dictum:

“If you experience something - record it.
If you record something - upload it.
If you upload something - share it.”

But what happens when everyone is ‘recording, uploading and sharing’ while nobody has the time to pay attention, let alone consider that continual stream of content.

In light of the rapidly approaching era of the Social Circle there seems to be an opportunity to capture less of what is seen and, instead, bring to life more of what is imagined. With that in mind, here is a different maxim to consider:

If you envisage something - create it.
If you create something - upload it.
If you upload something - share it.

Has been liked by 11

Comments 1

6 years ago
robolotion Artist
I agree with your critical remarks on the behavior of many web users. Their greed for attention often hinders them from creating really interesting content. Uploading of arbitrary content occurs literally inflationary.

Yes, everyone has only a limited time to pay attention. Because of that the perception of a single work becomes less intense. Quality is replaced by quantity. A few seconds must be enough to decide wether or not one likes an uploaded work.
Luckily, here you can "like" pictures displayed just as miniature. It's not necessary to see them in detail. :))

In my view offline expositions are much more valuable than web galleries. In a certain way they are more serious, the viewers' comments are more honest. At the same time they require way more effort and are not so easy to get.

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