The  human being and the robotics. Where  will we come from? who are we on earth? where are we going to go?

The human being and the robotics. Where will we come from? who are we on earth? where are we going to go?

Painting, Abstract informal, Mixed technique, 218x237x3cm
THe artist statements .

This art work had been inspired and derived from the fact that PAUL Gaugin had escaped from the material cultures of the 20th-century to go to HAITI as his widest and largest work and his legacy painting before commiting suicide himself , the same title work referring to the relationships between the human-being and robotics of the 21th-century.How will the essence of we, human-kind existence be influenced or threatened by the appearances of the robotics?The more the appearances of the robotics

in any kinds of fields of our daily life and industries will become, the more the our souls would had been destroyed or isolated?Besides how the new relationships between humankind and robotics woluld had been constructed ?Among them , what is meritor demerit?

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