Fashion Designer

Fashion Designer

Analogue Photography, Ideas, Political / Social, Analogue, 50.8x39.5cm
The location is New York City. Soho to be exact. I stopped and talked to this man after photographing him. During our brief conversation, he said: “I’m a fashion designer with many famous clients.” Then he paused and laughed: “Well, actually I’m not. I lied.” I was stunned.

Oh. But you should know that I really didn’t stop and speak with him at all. I lied too. What do you make of that? Did you immediately believe what he said? About being a fashion designer? Or having famous clients? Did you believe me, that I stopped and talked with him?

The question Is whether the presumption of truth these days is simply naiveté? An innocence? A vestige of morality? And, if so, where do we go from here?

But yes, the image was taken in New York City….somewhere… but probably not Soho.

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