

The origin of this image consists of the typical light intensity of sunset time digitally manipulated and processed. It is the nature that surprises me for the setting up of shape and colors. My camera operates as a sketchbook or diary and is the basis for the creation of printed material. The light is able to surprise me. The good air of nature is an immediate encounter of peace and serenity. This serenity is free. The device operates according to my intuitions. The liberty of the photographer is a programmed privilege of choice and subjects.

The light, the color and the movement are my motivations for setting up of taking the subject. The image is a signifying sensitive surface whose elements maintain a magical relationship with each other. The digital apparatus produces, processes and stores the elements; generates representations in a prescribed manner. Feelings take shape and are physical entities, sensitive to matter and to digital processing. I seek an affinity between an outer and inner world for transgression of a positive message. It is here that harmony, form and color are the key elements for a final creation at the heart of an aesthetic judgment and an immeasurable joy at creation.

Digital print.

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