Collection of a magpie
Wedged between feathers, twigs and dry leaves, it creates a small collection of enchanting failures.
A magpie embodies the spirit of the collector.
In its nest, like within a collection, objects replace desires.
To arrange, classify, select, and sort, just like memory exercises.
A space for reconstruction.
Memory is the point of origin: natural or personal.
To retrieve, to categorise, to fix the moment with a cut are acts of memory, hard struggles to control time, measured through artistic actions.
My work is an "atlas of wonder and melancholy", a visual diary of loss and retrieval, in which individual pieces try in vain to escape oblivion.
I dig into the beauty of the forms to regain the lost paradise, to find a life that faded away.
A constant research and an unconventional path in the art world leads her to explore and to experience with many differents media, themes and artistic techniques. Padovani has an obsession with death and the passing of time. Her art acts as a kind of visual diary for personal experiences with loss and grief. Ghost-like in their weightlessness, Padovani’s drawings appear to hover on the page, repetitive and process-driven. Similarly, her assemblages and installations possess a purposeful delicacy which gives the impression that they have just been arranged there, only minutes prior to the viewer’s arrival. A mimicking of museological display is evident in her object works with their pins holding small collections of specimens in place.
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