Ancient Freedom

With the work Ancient Freedom Nicca Iovinella develops and deepens a work of 2015 entitled I am, realized through the winding paths of the Camaldoli Park. A green and dense maze of plants and trees, among which inevitably envelops you, losing all contact with the chaotic reality of the city: it is in this environment that the work is generated. Two ropes hanging from a branch at the end of which there will be a noose and a pair of wings. The rope thus takes on a double meaning: on the one hand it is a hanging tool, on the other - thanks to the presence of the wings - it is a yearning for freedom. The artist will hang from the rope, dressed in a white suit, but her body will remain as outstanding thanks to these wings. Strong contrasts define the installation and performance: the lightness of the wings and the heaviness of the body, the fragility of the branch and the rope thickness.

In Ancient Freedom this “locus amoenus” becomes the scenery of a meeting between women beyond the limit of time, materializing in a series of collages in which the artist places her figure behind the profile of Greek statues of Ancient Gods or hunters, residents of a vanished world. Iovinella endorses the wings of those gods and enjoy the freedom of which they have benefited.

In ancient Greek mythology the woods and dense forests have been the scenery of loves and murders. In these places, many forbidden passions burned, thanks to the secrecy and the mysteries of nature. Those scenarios, however, have allowed those women to empower themselves, to assert their power and independence from the dominant male figure. Then Iovinella identifies herself with these ladies but at the same time she cancels herself, devoting an ample space to their image: to show what they were, keeping of herself just a projection. The artist is at the same time object and subject of the work: she makes those women protagonists, leaving them visible, but she identifies herself in those models of emancipation, taking advantage of their bodies, the Nike of Samothrace’s wings, the raised arms of Venus.

Mixing past and present, ancient victories and modern achievements, the artist-Nike aspires to an individual freedom, the affirmation of herself and a spiritual growth.

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