On the Inside Looking In

On the Inside Looking In

Painting, Portrait, Philosophy, Abstract informal, Acrylic, 122x152x5cm
The work is inspired from the naturally scraped house paints from the walls of old shop houses in the orient. The process recreates this natural degeneration and involves the layering of paints that are purposely peeled-off or scratched from the top to middle layers to reveal the surface textures and colors underneath. In context, the painting reveals the element of the past as seen together with the present. In essence, time is trapped visually in the painting.The artist’s state of introspection is a necessary pause from life’s uncertainties while re-evaluating himself as a family man, artist, & academic leading to greater challenges and responsibilities.

The artwork not only re-examines the self but is inclusive of the people and the experiences from the most significant to the mundane. The artist’s goal is to reveal & enclose specific periods of his existence from the perspective of the artist's evolving identity.

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Comments 2

7 years ago
Sio Artist
Thank you Antonio, I completely agree. He who is creative establishes an ambiguous relationship with the reality that surrounds him.
Antonio Mercadante
7 years ago
Chi è creativo stabilisce un rapporto ambiguo con la realtà che lo circonda in quanto, anche se facente parte di essa, ne modifica l'intensità creando mondi, suoni,forme che altrimenti non esisterebbero quindi... in qualche modo le disobbedisce. Un po' come un ragazzino che al contrario di quanto gli dica la mamma prende la sua bici e va alla scoperta...

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