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At present it seems that the conditions for a peaceful resolution doesn't exist. The division of waters is related both with the question of the land that have to be returned to the Palestinians both with their self-determination.
The question appears extremely serious in the words of Nabir Sharif, head of the Palestinian authority for water, which declares how is necessary that the United States convince Israel that there cannot be a lasting peace without water. And without water any peace agreement may not last longer than two or three years.
"Now war runs most emphatically counter to the psychic disposition imposed on us by the growth of culture; we are therefore bound to resent war, to find it utterly intolerable.
Perhaps our hope that these two factors--man's cultural disposition and a well-founded dread of the form that future wars will take--may serve to put an end to war in the near future, is not chimerical. But by what ways or byways this will come about, we cannot guess. Meanwhile we may rest on the assurance that whatever makes for cultural development is working also against war."
WHY WAR? The Einstein-Freud Correspondence (1931-1932)
Gaputh (Potsdam), July 30 1932
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