White Africa

White Africa

Digital Photography, Nature, Mixed technique, 90x60x4cm
On the front of the body, there is our society, that of the image, a model and all our mental superstructure represented by books, dietary cooking, vegetarian, gourmet etc ... all aimed to the image, to trade, to our inevitable balance tied to how we look and eat. Behind the absurd we have a malnourished child who eats a book. All the bla bla bla of the world and international conferences on world hunger that still has not been "eradicated" as opposed a nice big face that illustrates our overeating in front of nothing other countries. Africa Bianca because in the end it's always been exploited by the West in its immense treasures and heritage and therefore has never had enough space for their own development. It is located in the middle because it represents the US, the physical part, which to feed body and soul needs water and healthy nature.

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