"Identità perdute"
International Day Against Violence Against Women
How many stories I've heard, although they did not seem real to me, they were so dramatic. I saw two of my friends with obvious signs of beatings on his face, one of them hospitalized for fractures to the ribs. Their disorientation, their saying "I fell," almost ashamed from admitting the truth. Fortunately they came out, but for a long time suffered stalking, no less serious because it has affected psychologically. How many more have suffered and suffer in silence, threatened, beaten. The victims are decreasing, but this does not console.
Experts say it is important to know what to do and where to turn, there are many listening branches and refuges that can support and help, before it's too late.
Comments 8
Un grazie alla tua sensibilità.
Come sempre, una perfetta lettura dell'opera.
Ferita, mentre l'inchiostro penetra la carta mortificando i lineamenti puliti come una libertà violata.
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