/ˈdʌb əlˌjuː/ Malevič

/ˈdʌb əlˌjuː/ Malevič

Time is the implacable judge History: SMALL makes one, who built the power and its reputation on terror and makes BIG others who suffered the consequences directly. . . . . and this is why I write and title my painting / dʌb əlˌjuː / Malevich (Malevich alive).
 History taught in the classroom, in reference to a recent past very close. The History of the Great War. . . . . still under the warm light of the media, that of time in which the strong character of a few prevaricava the intelligence of many. The exaltation of the Aryan race, as the supreme race and perfect, which is rooted in the text of Gobineau, leading the Germans to an extreme racial hatred. The new order, a meticulous plan for a mass extermination recorded: Belzec, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Flossenburg, Mauthausen, Treblinka and Auschwitz for citarni some, the most famous, with its long track and eternal written entrance : Arbeit Macht Frei (work makes you free). The atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a tragic conclusion of a conflict. History where Journalism with its warheads not only did the news, l 'information, but. . . . . The drôle de guerre (title appeared on the head of a well-known Parisian daily) has shown the story itself. . . . . still the beginning of the conflict between France and Germany, barricaded on the Maginot and Siegfried lines fort without firing a shot. . . . . amid shouts, jeers and tongues is referred to as Buffa War (. The drôle de guerre). And now . . . . . that history is at hand. It flows like a river in flood in large and intrigued the world of network Tiananmen Square with the Chinese student fronting the huge and powerful tank (a modern-day David against Goliath); The fall of the Berlin Wall (the excitement and the desire to find himself a people); The attack on the two twin towers in New York as a result of two atomic bombs in the hearts of Americans take pride in that city so well described by Frank Sinatra to which I add another New York to refrain because I think it's nice to wake up in the city that never sleeps never. News snapshots yields and dumped on the web from regular people, occasional add, that you just have to grasp with one click. In this fast world, full of news we are increasingly SAMPEI. . . . . GREAT FISHING NEWS ON THE NET. G. Valentino

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