At first glance you will find it hard to identify the subject but you will certainly realize, that you’re in front of a - presumably temporal - sequence of indistinct forms with a luminous center. By looking closer you will begin to recognize individual elements, such as circles on a water surface and cloud-like forms. The luminous center, thus, should be the sun.
Nonetheless, the connection between these elements is still ambiguous, neither the water surface, nor the sky are perfectly in focus. You’re in a visual limbo: if nothing is sharp, what should you pay more attention to? It’s the same dilemma the camera experiences when focusing.
But is it actually a photograph? The forms are not only blurry, they are also uneven, just like brush strokes. Or is it just a photographic filter? To find an answer to these questions, pleaseget closer to the image, observe all the details and feel free to form your own judgment.
Finally, I invite you, after the next time it rains, to stop and look at a newly formed pool and to try to find the right angle to view the sun behind moving clouds being reflected on the water surface on which a few shy drops of rain still fall.
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