

Digital Photography, Spirituality, Birth, Ideas, Digital, 120x100x2cm
There are those who very wisely wrote that "the case is the pseudonym of God when he does not sign " ( Anatole France ), arguing essentially that the case does not exist and all the events , from the most important to those insignificant , are regulated by precise laws unknown to us . In short : "nothing happens by accident . "
This is a work on the "case " or " randomness " well known to the surrealists .
The artist becomes a craftsman of the case imitating the slow work of nature .
As well as the river with its passing has so seemingly random white stones along its banks and its bed, the artist , after photographing the product of this apparent randomness , launches into the air , dropping randomly on the ground or in river itself , their photographic works .
Everything is documented by several shots and then reassembled together .

Has been liked by 9

Comments 2

Daniele Calvani
8 years ago
There are those who very wisely wrote that "the case is the pseudonym of God when he does not sign " ( Anatole France ), arguing essentially that the case does not exist and all the events , from the most important to those insignificant , are regulated by precise laws unknown to us . In short : "nothing happens by accident . "
This is a work on the "case " or " randomness " well known to the surrealists .
The artist becomes a craftsman of the case imitating the slow work of nature .
As well as the river with its passing has so seemingly random white stones along its banks and its bed, the artist , after photographing the product of this apparent randomness , launches into the air , dropping randomly on the ground or in river itself , their photographic works .
Daniele Calvani
8 years ago
C'è chi molto saggiamente ha scritto che "il caso è lo pseudonimo di Dio quando non vuol firmare" (Anatole France) sostenendo in sostanza che il caso non esiste e che tutti gli accadimenti, da quelli più importanti a quelli insignificanti, sono regolati da leggi precise a noi sconosciute. Insomma:"nulla succede per caso".
Questo è un lavoro sul "caso" o sulla "casualità" ben nota ai surrealisti.
L'artista si fa artefice del caso imitando il lento lavoro della natura.
Così come il fiume con il suo scorrere dispone in modo apparentemente casuale i sassi bianchi lungo le sue rive ed il suo letto, l'artista, dopo aver fotografato il prodotto di questa apparente casualità, lancia in aria, lasciando cadere casualmente a terra o nel fiume stesso, le proprie opere fotografiche.

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