Exploring the human soul. This is the goal of the artist Nicca Iovinella who with the exhibition Depositi n.10 wants, through various artistic methods, unveil what we jealously safeguard: the emotions. The artistic project is composed of two times. The artist put the audience in front of strange and unreal situations, she exacerbates her movements, her words are full of a deep meaning that brings us out of the everyday life.

The performance is even a reflection on the value and the space of art. Iovinella effectively refuse to reproduce and document her artistic practice and she leaves everything to the extraordinary experience of the live performance: her work exists thanks to an oral tradition, a legend, a story that we have to transmit and that we cannot shot or translate in to images.

Once again Iovinella face the problem of the space where she has to put her piece of art, she consider her audience a dynamic one who lives her installation/performance. Once we have seen what the little hole of the door hide, the choice of open the door is up to the visitors. At the beginning the audience is passive in front of the performance, after its role is turned upside down. You become active, owner of the keys of our memory.

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