

Dealing with these questions, in February 2015, I travelled to Ginostra, a village on the volcanic island of “Stromboli”. Stromboli is one of the archipelagos of the "Aeolian Islands", which are located north of Sicily, Italy. The volcano on the island is still active. After the last major eruption in 1930, about 80% of the residents left the island.
Inspired by the movie "Stromboli" by Roberto Rossellini (1950), I visited the island for the first time in summer 2014. In order to have a more realistic impression of the daily routine of the people, I decided to come back in winter to make the recordings. I chose Ginostra as location, which is a small village where only 30 people live in wintertime.

With this work I wants to slow down the audience and put the viewer’s focus on the emotion of the video by using calm and quiet situations, by drawing a very clear line between spoken words and pictures, and by having a keen eye for details. The dramaturgy makes it possible to get to know the people step by step and reveals the complexity of the life story of each person shown.

I prefer a relation and comparison with outdoor space rather than working in a studio, working in situ is what appeals to me. I'm interested in realizing my projects by considering them visually and relating them to the situation and the area, the context. Precisely for this reason, photography and videos are essential in my work. Video is fundamental to my art work because it allows me to shape and communicate the slightest perception of movement and to play with the boundary line between photograph and video. This is an element which is central to most of my video projects. This aspect is very important to me because throughout this process I like to present a feeling of calmness but at the same time an element feeling of doubt.

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