Formando parte de un paraíso

Formando parte de un paraíso

Procure the poetic knowledge of the world inevitably requires a distancing irony when it comes to observe and narrate the reality. Between the simply clear and recognizable and a refined and twisted paradox, Sonia Carballo "Socatoba" discusses his views on the human condition.
Their redial astonishment by the existence of the individual and their complex relationships - through the psyche and the body - with itself and with what surrounds him, takes you to talk about invisible, but inseparable supplements in space and in time, of our permanently halting Constitution.
Manifest through extensions and finishes somewhere between Hanks of hair and muscle fibers, the female figures that populate forming part of a paradise are such heroes as victims. Inhabitants of erogenous suspended stadiums, its existence derives from the game between adventure and vicissitude.
Metaphysical, philosophical, epic and emotional speak to us, from the symbolism, the issues over life and death as a challenge of permanent tension between multiple flows. Mutation, relating Zoomorphic, choreographic movements, athletic contortion and monstrosity report these soulless and dark pin-ups.
Ambiguous and seductive, with its essential threads illustrate the greed that supposed to be inhabited by feelings that are tightened a few inside - and against-other. Auratic which deities pediments of sanctuaries in its sensuous explosions also, welcome in a transcendent bacchanal, its pagan role as a representation of the desire.
Powerful male energy in sensitive and sinuous female strokes shrovetide articulated, from a sophisticated compositional maturity, the dynamic balance of extremes that configures the header of Socatoba.
On their reciprocally invasive spatial contiguity, its wonderful body machines fluctuate between psychological consciousness and surrealist imagination. Irradiations of the same despair and enthusiasm that drive its author, its affairs are at the end and at the end of all human beings at all times.
Horror and romance, salvation and condemnation, the inevitable and possible, are the lights and shadows of this paradise where there is no split between the sky and the Earth, where the oasis is an expression of the underworld that reminds us that the abyss is also part of us.
Multiform and killed, his exultant nymphs reflect complex greatness of existence beyond the confines of the body, the atrocity which makes consideration to the illusions as accurate reflection of the soul.
Taking advantage of its status of permanent uncertainty about humanity as a source of inspiration, Socatoba plasma scenarios of concern with its own life. Their snapshots of ghostly destinations, guided by the desire to drive and inevitably dominated by death, reveal themselves to us as narcotic ambient temperatures for the culture of peace.
Alex Brahim independent curator

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