Sick Sad Blue

Sick Sad Blue

“Hospitalized at the eating disorder treatment center for the fifth time,
I don’t see an end to all of this, maybe I’m in love with the idea of being fragile,
a being to be protected, to handle with care.
I love my protruding bones, that almost cut my skin.”

The first time I accidentally met Chiara was the 18th of June, 2015, in Milan, while I was working on a project about post adolescence created and supported by Fabrica, the communication research center where I am researcher since February 2015.
The second time I met her it was in Brescia in September of the same year, in the psychiatric ward.
Chiara is suffering from anorexia for five years now and she pushed me to tell about herself and, consequently, about myself.
During the months in which I developed the project, I was scared to be part of theself-congratulation of her disease, step by step, until I forced myself to censor some of my own pictures.
This project is the emotional report of the friendship we eventually built up, a meeting point between two gazes that complete themselves.

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