Tracce - L'impronta si fa luogo

Tracce - L'impronta si fa luogo

From a simply protective function that could have in animal species, it's in human beings that skin becomes an interface between outside and inside, a border point, the way trough which we can feel the world: at every touch a STRAIN is received and left, in both memory and body's parts that activated the contact.
So, in Traccia1 and Traccia2, skin's traces and traces on skin are simbolically represented by related materials and expressive tecniques which recall it.
At first, bark is a predominant material, but it's also the objects of an experiment of "frottage", an artistic tecnique, we explore usually in childhood.
It's amazing discover how a surface, like a rough tree' SKIN, could appear trough another material, paper. And, in the same time, paper capture hand's traces in movement.
So finally "the touch...takes place" and the SKIN becomes the absolute main character.

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