Transizioni ovvero Esercizi ad uso di epidermidi fragili ma perfettibili
First of all embrace the entire width of the surface.
Get used to a state of ponderability (for this purpose you’re asked to invert verticals and horizontals, top and bottom, linear and curved – with exception, of course, of inside and outside)
Use caution when handling the casing in order to preserve its connectivity and consistency, according with parameters about selection of interactions and storage of constants.
Let any discrete solicitation concentrate (or scatter) upon such new ectodermal plane and let parts interact at will.
In response to the directives pointed out thus far, any starting alteration shall polarize a new metaphor, which is in fact holding the registration of the action and conveying its own imprint as well: that means informing, literally, new sense.
Keep the inhabitable unspoiled with its genuine primal furniture of viscera, carefully holding their boundaries.
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