Progetto di coltivazione della rOsa

Progetto di coltivazione della rOsa

Sculpture, Landscape, Marble, 40x40x1cm
"Project of growing rose" - "Project of cultivation of an eroded (stone)"
an italian pun
n.4 digital prints on "pearly-rose marble"
40cmx40cmx1cm each one

Here we have a series of images which I took in the same marble quarry where I took the images of the work "Urban web". In this case, however, I wanted to reproduce an italian pun between 'rose'/'eroded' and 'to grow'/'to cultivate'. To explain better, I have to start from the beginning, when I received the commission to prepare an artwork about the theme of the 'rose'. Considering that I don't like this object at all, I wanted to find out another meaning of the word: in fact the same word 'rose' in italian means also 'eroded': 'an eroded stone', for example. Then I took some photos of the quarry, using a caleidoscopic lens that I'd made previously, in order to obtain floral images from mineral materials.
Moreover, while i was analyzing the process used by engineers to cut out marble slabs, one of them told me that the excavation process is currently called 'cultivation', and to 'cultivate' means also 'to grow-up' vegetable plants.

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