SUPERNOVAE - Industrial paint on canvas

Supernovae are an explosion which emits enough energy “to break" the taboos of all time. And so a new reality appears that is ready to change with another explosion .... after a time a taboo not seems itself anymore: through a white break, energy lights and away our taboos or more precisely the sensations (represented by the colors) which they cause. The Taboos change but the feelings and behaviors that gush are the same. And so we are constantly surrounded by the "Red Taboo" that causes excitement, danger, violence, strength, vitality, energy (sexual and aggressive), from "Taboo Blue" brings back calm, contentment, inner peace, peace, harmony, serenity communicating and peace, from "Green Taboo" that restates stability, strength, tenacity, perseverance, perseverance, self-esteem, from the "Black Taboo" that on the one hand leads to the death and the pain and the other gives a feeling of power, elegance, from "Taboo Purple" that leads to wealth and nobility.

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