
The Judean Desert, the historic site for the releasing of the scapegoat. The sky is heavy with grey storm clouds. It is late afternoon in the lonely hills when a strange figure emerges from far away, dressed all in white and wearing on its face a white goat mask. A crimson band is tied around its horns, and there are red stigmata wounds on her hands. The convict is walking in the midst of the wilderness, carrying on his back a red tank, holding in his hand a huge brown wooden rattle, which intends to announce, according to old tradition, the appearing of the damned, disaster stricken person.
While advancing the figure sprays along the way red fluid from the tank. Now it is the scapegoat as well as the High Priest who purifies with blood, according to the laws of the Bible.
The scapegoat-High Priest continues to move on, spraying along his way the rocks and the mountains all around him, reddening the desert with the blood of its victim. At the climax of his action, while the hills around him are all spread scarlet, he stops, looks around, and turns the rattle in his hand creating a deafening noise. Now lighting erupts the sky and the scapegoat-priest disappears in the blinding light.
The red dessert returns to its eternal stillness.
The victim who purifies the tribe with its own sacrifice, and the High–Priest –Magister, who performs the ceremony of the purification with blood – both are mingled-mixed in each other at the same time in the same image of the goat. As such, the scapegoat is also the leprosy-stricken victim. He is also the metamorphosis of Jesus, who carries upon himself the sins of humankind.
The ceremony of the purification of the leprous according to the Book of Leviticus underwent a transformation to the ceremony of the expelling of the scapegoat. Thus the unification of the damnation and the purification materializes.

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Waldemar Dabrowski
8 years ago

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